Math Prep Workshop Student Survey
Dear Student,

We would like to hear your thoughts on the Math Prep Workshop. We will use your feedback to evaluate and improve the program. Your response will be kept confidential.  If you have any questions about the survey, please email Thank you.

Prof. Sandie Han

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Email *
What is your major? *
How would you categorize your academic status? *
Why did you sign up for the Math Prep Workshop?  Check all that apply. *
How did you find out about the Math Prep Workshop?  Check all that apply. *
Which math course have you enrolled either summer or fall 2022? Check all that apply. *
Please select the workshop session you are currently attending. *
The following questions pertain to the workshop, please rate each item. *
strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The length and the schedule of the workshop is appropriate.
The content covered in the workshop is appropriate.
The pace of the workshop is appropriate.
The workshop is helpful.
The following questions pertain to the workbook, please rate each item. *
strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The workbook provides good review of mathematics.
The explanation in the workbook is clear.
The presentation of the topic in the workbook is clear.
The workbook is helpful.
The following questions pertain to the instructor, please rate each item. *
strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The instructor is knowledgeable.
The instructor explains clearly.
The instructor is helpful.
If you disagree with a particular item above, please explain.
How would you rate your overall experience in the workshop?  (1=Poor, 5=Excellent) *
Would you take the Math Prep Workshop in the future or recommend others to take it? *
Which workshop format do you prefer? *
Would you be interested in a math workshop offered during the semester? *
Additional comments or suggestions.
Thank you for your time and feedback.
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