Visit Ijams Nature Center to hike or look for herps. Rank interest (1-5) with 1 being not so interested and 5 being highly interested. *
Paddle Board Excursion on TN River. Rank interest (1-5) with 1 meaning you are not interested and 5 meaning you are highly interested the field trip option. *
Trivia Night. Rank interest (1-5) with 1 meaning you are not interested and 5 meaning you are highly interested the field trip option. *
Field trip to Zoo Knoxville's new Amphibian and Reptile Center. Rank interest (1-5) with 1 meaning you are not interested and 5 meaning you are highly interested the field trip option. *
Food truck night. Rank interest (1-5) with 1 being not so interested and 5 being highly interested. *
Private screening of "Life in Cold Blood" or other herp related film at local independent theater. Rank interest (1-5) with 1 meaning you are not interested and 5 meaning you are highly interested the field trip option. *
Visit a local distillery or brewery. Rank interest (1-5) with 1 meaning you are not interested and 5 meaning you are highly interested the field trip option. *