SFUSD Test Support Sign-up 23-24
The Test Support program, led by the Office of Talent Development, is at the forefront of offering SFUSD teachers complimentary access to Study.com. This initiative enables educators to conveniently prepare for exams such as CBEST, CSET, CTEL, and RICA. By signing up for this resource, you commit to: 
  1. Register for the specific exam you need.
  2. After receiving the license #, you must start within 48 hours.
  3. Have your progress tracked to show consistent use towards completion.
  4. Send the test results to SFUSD Pathway to Teaching when you register.
  5. Provide us with feedback on your experience.
We encourage you to set-up a Study Plan to maximize this resource. Additionally, let your support system know that you are studying for a test and need to dedicate adequate time to ensure success. 

Office of Talent Development
Email *
Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
If applicable, what SFUSD school site are you currently working at?
What program are you currently in?  *
If you selected Other, please describe
What credential are you pursuing? *
What test/s do you need to pass to earn your credential?
Please note that study.com does not offer EdTPA/CalTPA support
If you selected CSET above, please write which CSET you're testing for and your progress so far.

See reference here
Are you trying to get a Bilingual Authorization? If so, please note which language.
Commitment Question: By typing your name below, you commit to: 1) Registering for the specific exam you need, 2) After receiving the license #, you must start within 48 hours 3) Having your progress tracked to show consistent use towards completion, 4) Send the test results to SFUSD Pathway to Teaching when you register, and 5) Provide us with feedback on your experience.
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