URGENT ATTENTION NEEDED: Support the Accommodations and Rights Protection for Brittany Lovely and All Pregnant Students

We, the Georgetown Law community and classmates of 2L Brittany Lovely, support her request for accommodations to her final exams this fall because of her pregnancy and the upcoming birth of her first child. 

We agree that Georgetown's denial of her requested accommodations is not supported by the students on whose behalf the school claims to deny her. As students in training for a career in law, we agree that it violates her lawful rights under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. The accommodations Brittany requested (taking the exam early when the finals period begins and/or from home just days after giving birth) are reasonable and are not in any way inequitable, nor do they harm our education at Georgetown.

We urge Georgetown University Law Center’s administration to approve her accommodations and hold Georgetown Law's promise of supporting the whole student, including those who are pregnant.

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Georgetown Law denied Brittany’s request for reasonable accommodations in violation of Title IX. Brittany is expected to give birth to Baby Lovely within the first two weeks of December. Brittany has one in-person final scheduled for December 13. Brittany requested to (1) take the exam early or (2) take the exam from home (and on Exam 4) at the same time as everybody else on the exam date or deferral dates (which are December 16-18, 2024). Georgetown Law denied her recommendations, stating that it would be inequitable to all the other non-birthing students in her class. 

Georgetown Law suggested Brittany bring her days-old child to campus a few days after birth, with minimal recovery, to take the exam with more time so she can breastfeed her newborn baby during the exam. They told her, "Motherhood is not for the Faint of Heart." 

Title IX prohibits education institutions from discriminating against students based on sex, including current, potential, or past pregnancy or related conditions. An accommodation is not unreasonable and must be offered by the school unless it "fundamentally alters" the nature of its program. 

Georgetown Law has a legal and moral duty to support pregnant students during the regular school year or finals. 

Show them that no pregnant law student can ever be described as “faint-hearted.”

If you have any questions, please contact Mari at ml2194@georgetown.edu.

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