Class-10,Arithmetic Progression
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Q1) Progressions with equal common difference are known as *
1 point
Q2) The value of ‘k’ for which the numbers x, 2x + k, 3x + 6 are in A.P. is *
1 point
Q3) If a, b and c are in A.P., then the relation between them is given by *
1 point
Q4) If the angles of a right angled triangle are in A.P. then the angles of that triangle will be *
1 point
Q5) The list of numbers – 10, – 6, – 2, 2, ……….. is *
1 point
Q6) The common difference of the A.P. can be *
1 point
Q7)The next two terms of the AP : k, 2k + 1, 3k + 2, 4k + 3, ………… are *
1 point
Q8) Which of the following is not an A.P.? *
1 point
Q9) If a, 7, b, 23, care in A.P. then the value of ‘c’ is *
1 point
Q10) *
1 point
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