Cohort for Change - Application Form
The Cohort for Change will bring together coaches from across the country to activate TrueSport lessons and resources in diverse sport programs while educating young athletes on the topics of Bullying Prevention, Conflict Resolution, Mental Wellness, Performance Anxiety, and Perseverance.

Participants in the Cohort must attend the November 15-17, 2022 trainings and TrueSport Talks: Mental Wellness and the Student Athlete Symposium, teach the TrueSport lessons within their unique sport programs, and provide feedback on their experience(s).
The Cohort is intended to establish best practices and solutions to further the mission of creating a more positive youth sport experience rooted in mental and physical wellbeing.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
City and State *
Sport(s) Coached *
Tell us about who you coach. (i.e. size of program, age of participants, competitive/recreational, etc.) *
Why do you coach (250-500 words)? *
Why do you want to participate in the Cohort for Change (250-500 words)? *
How will participating in the Cohort positively impact your community (250-500 words)? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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