1. The following sentences are the expressions of OBLIGATIONS (Kalimat berikut merupakan ungkapan KEHARUSAN) *
2. The following sentences are the expressions of PROHIBITION (Kalimat berikut merupakan ungkapan LARANGAN) *
3. The following sentences are the expressions of SUGGESTION (Kalimat berikut merupakan ungkapan HIMBAUAN) *
4. In order to make the expressions of Obligation, we use MUST + Verb 1 (V1) (Untuk membuat ungkapan keharusan, kita menggunakan MUST + Verb1(V1)) *
5. In order to make the expressions of Prohibtion, we use MUST +not +Verb 1 (V1) (Untuk membuat ungkapan Larangan, kita menggunakan MUST + not +Verb1(V1)) *
6. In order to make the expressions of Himbauan, we use Should (+not) +Verb 1 (V1) (Untuk membuat ungkapan Himbauan, kita menggunakan Should ( + not) +Verb1(V1)) *
7. What are the speakers talking about? *
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8. Where does the dialogue likely take place? *
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9. What is the relationship between Ms. Susan and Mr. Adi? *
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10. What are Mr. Adi and Ms. Susan? *
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11. What are Timothy and Dilla talking about? *
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12. Where does the dialogue likely take place? *
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13. What is the relationship between Timothy and Dilla? *
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14. Stacy and Dilan are talking about ... . *
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15. Where does the dialog take place? *
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16. What are Stacy and Dilan? *
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17. “You must take a seat and read book quietly.” The word ‘ quietly’ is closest in meaning to ... . *
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18. When does the dialogue likely happen? (Kapan kemungkinan dialog terjadi) *
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19. Where does the dialogue likely take place? (Dimana dialog kemungkinan terjadi) *
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20. What are the speakers talking about? (Para pembicara membahas apa) *
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21. Why must the speakers hurry up to canteen? (Mengapa para pembicara dalam dialog di bawah ini harus buru-buru ke kantin) *
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22. What are Yudi and Tigor talking about? (Yudi dan Tigor membicarakan apa) *
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23. What happens to Tigor? (Apa yang terjadi pada Tigor) *
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24. ‘It’s too complicated.” The following words are closest in meaning to‘complicated’. (Kata-kata berikut mempunyai makna yang sangat mirip dengan kata ‘complicated’.)-(lebih dari 1 jawaban benar) *
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25. Why is Tigor is shy to see Mrs. Susi? (Mengapa Tigor malu pada Bu Susi) *
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26. What is the relationship between Yudi and Tigor? (Apa hubungan antara Yudi dan Tigor) *
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27. The dialog below likely takes place ... . (Dialog di atas kemungkinan terjadi ... .) (lebih dari 1 jawaban benar *
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28. The best expression to complete the dialog is ... . *
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29. The possible expressions to complete the dialog below are ... . (Ungakapan yang mungkin untuk melengkapi dialog di bawah ini adalah..)(lebih dari 1 jawaban benar) *
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30. The best arrangement of the jumbled sentences below is ... . (Susunan terbaik dari kata acak di bawah ini adalah ... ) *
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