Apply to take part in RFC Editor user research
Thank you for your interest in helping us with our research. We are currently looking for users of the RFC Editor website who can spare an hour of their time for a video call to talk to us about their experiences of using the website. This will help us redesign the website to make it easier for you to use.

The interviews will be conducted in English. If you would like to take part in one of these research calls, please complete the following quick questions.
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Email *
Which of the following best describes you? If several of these apply to you, please pick the one that fits you best. *
What is your job title? If you are currently a student, please enter the name of your course and university. *
Have you ever contributed to writing an RFC, or been a member of a working group or mailing list related to creating RFCs?
How often have you used within the last year?
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Please confirm the following: *
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