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Work-Based Learning Application for 2024-2025, 2nd Semester and Work-Based Learning Application for 2025-2026
For juniors and seniors interested in WBL for school year 2024-25
*Thank you for your interest in the WBL Program! Completing the form ONLY SAYS THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED. The Coordinator will follow up with you with an email or text.
* Indicates required question
What school do you attend
Lakeside HS
Tucker HS
Please list your CTAE teacher (usually this is your pathway/elective's teacher)
Your answer
Your Student ID#
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
First Name
Your answer
Graduation Year
Which Semester are you applying
2nd Semester 2024-2025
1st and 2nd Semester 2025-2026
2nd Semester only 2025-2026
Please provide your email address (enter carefully)
Your answer
Your cell#
Your answer
Provide a parent last name and first name
Your answer
Your parent's cell #
Your answer
Provide your counselor's name
Your answer
What are your career goals?
Your answer
Select your CTAE Pathway - Mark only one oval
Audio and Video
Band or Chorus
Computer Science
Information Technology
Visual Arts
World Languages (3+ years)
Food Science
Do you have your parents' approval to enroll in WBL and leave school early?
Maybe with more information
How many periods would you like to take WBL (parent and counselor must approve)
5th, 6th, 7th periods - work a minimum of 20 hours a week
6th and 7th periods - work a minimum of 15 hours a week
7th period only - work a minimum of 10 hours a week
Are you currently employed?
Please provide the EXACT name of the company for which you are currently employed (Name and where you work/Your Employer). If unemployed, write N/A
Your answer
What is the company's phone number?
Your answer
What is the company's "exact" address?
Your answer
Please provide the manager's first and last name
Your answer
Please provide the date (month/year) you were hired
Your answer
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ms. Paige, the WBL Coordinator, at 470-344-9702 or
Your answer
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