The computer resources and capabilities in our schools must be used in an ethical and lawful manner. Violations of the ISD #139 computer policies, this Agreement, Internet etiquette, or violations of the laws of Minnesota and the United States can result in disciplinary action by ISD #139 and/or prosecution by legal authorities Access to computer systems and the Internet is a privilege. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. You must not permit others to use your account(s). You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of all
passwords you may have.
2. Fraudulent, harassing, obscene, threatening and other inappropriate messages or uses of computers, networks, dial
access capabilities, or the Internet must not be created, downloaded or transmitted. This includes messages that
might harass individuals or groups because of their age, race, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, physical
attributes, etc.
3. You must not access or attempt to access systems or data that you are not authorized to access. You must not use
“loopholes” in computer security systems, “hacking,” etc. to attempt to degrade performance or gain illegal access
to computer systems and software.
4. Any references obtained through the use of technology systems must be attributed to the source. Plagiarism is
expressly forbidden in all cases by the district.
5. Making or distributing unauthorized and illegal copies of licensed software is against the law and can result in
disciplinary action by your school. District and/or prosecution with severe legal penalties. Copyright laws will be
strictly enforced on a case but case basis.
6. Your district’s computer technology and networks (including Internet and dial access) must not be used to promote
products or services for the intent or financial gain for yourself, your company or employer, or any other local
7. You may not install any software on school computers without consent in writing from a sponsoring teacher or the
building media specialist.
8. Communication that must be 100% secure and private should not be communicated via the Internet. Internet
communications are not secure. It is possible (although rare and difficult) for others to access your files, even
though security systems are in place to prevent such access.
9. Never give out personal or family information, such as phone numbers or addresses. Never arrange for a
face-to-face meeting without parental supervision and never respond to abusive or suggestive messages. Report all
such instances immediately to a teacher.
10. You must be able to demonstrate basic computer skills before you are allowed to use any school computer without
direct supervision by a teacher.
11. District technology personnel shall have access to all files on district computers. Any unauthorized software or
files may be removed without notice.