Navigating Cultural Differences and Workplace Inclusion in Canada

Join us for an insightful discussion tailored for youth newcomers exploring cultural differences and the Canadian workplace. This interactive session will cover essential communication skills, cultural identity, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in professional settings.

Open to individuals 15-30 years old, are a Newcomer to Canada within the last 5 years, and who reside in the Central Okanagan.
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Please provide your First Name and Last Name: *
Please provide your phone number: *
How old are you? *
What is your immigration status? *
How long have you lived in Canada? *
Which city do you live in? *
Are you looking for a job? *
Can you understand and communicate in English without an interpreter? *
Thank you for filling out this form! We look forward to seeing you at the Youth Networking Event: Navigating Cultural Differences and Workplace Inclusion in Canada on Wednesday, Oct 9th 4.30 pm
An email will be sent to you with further details of the event. If you have any questions, please email us at
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