Mission 10 – The Album
We hope you enjoyed our album and would really appreciate your feedback. Thank you in advance for your time. You can listed to our album here: http://www.wrhs1118.co.uk/news/mission10
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Rate our Tracks
Please score each of our track out of 10 (10 = you really enjoyed it)
How much did you like track 1 - Days at the Beach? *
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I really enjoyed it
How much did you like track 2 - Leo? *
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I really enjoyed it
How much did you like track 3 - Crossing Continents? *
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I really enjoyed it
How much did you like track 4 - Untakeable? *
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I really enjoyed it
How much did you like track 5 - Rushed Evolution? *
I didn't really enjoy it
I really enjoyed it
How much did you like track 6 - Louis Vuitton? *
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I really enjoyed it
How much did you like track 7 - Lay Low? *
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I really enjoyed it
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