Beginning Web Design Questions
Thank you for considering me for your website needs.

I look forward to learning more about you and your business!
I have just a few questions ahead to help me get a better sense of what is needed and how I might be able to support the project. Thank you in advance for your time and thoroughness.

The more you share, the better I'll be able to provide specific ideas and solutions.

-Nathan Agin
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1) What's your name? *
2) Now what's the best phone number to reach you?
3) And what's your email address? *
4) What is the name of your business?
Please include the subtitle or tagline if you have one.
5) Can you describe your business or organization in a few short sentences? What services do you provide and what benefits do clients/customers receive? *
6) What is your current website, if one exists?
7) How do you feel about your current website (if it exists)?
Hate it
Love it
Clear selection
8) If rated above, could you share why you feel this way about your current site?
9) What do you want your site to accomplish? What is the ​primary ​goal? *
10) What do you want your site to be doing that it is *not* currently doing, or that you need it to do more of? *
11) Who is your target market/audience? *
12) What are a few websites you like, and specifically why? *
These don't have to be in your field—they could be just any websites you like.
13) If you could have any site in the world be the one for your business, which one would you pick? *
[No extra research necessary] This is probably a site you have already been to and know well. It could be someone who does the same work as you, or not. Wish your site looked like Apple's? Let me know!
14) What are a few websites you don't like, and specifically why? *
These don't have to be in your field—they could be just any websites you dislike.
15) How would you describe the personality of the website? *
Are there any words or phrases that you would like your site to reflect? How do you want people to feel when visiting your site? (examples - modern, energetic, sophisticated, youthful, etc.)
16) What items will your website need? *
Choose as many as you like
17) When would you be ready to begin the redesign? *
When could you have any new content (text/images) ready?
18) When do you want the website completed? (On average, budget 2-3 months for the process.) *
There's time for discovery, research, drafts, and revisions. Of course, it's always possible things can go faster. Do you have a hard deadline or does this coincide with a launch?
19) Are you interested in any of the following services?
20) What would your budget for this project be? *
You're not committing to anything here. This is merely a way to direct our next steps. Each range represents a very different scope of project, and I can make recommendations for each level.
21) Would you be interested in a DIY website, where I bundle together all the essential items, install them, and then YOU customize the site and populate it with content? Would you also be open to a one-page design, where all sections of the site are on one page vs. multiple? *
The one-page option may not be available for all sites, depending on content and complexity. These options may be able to reduce the project cost.
22) What days and times would work best for a call to discuss the project further?
23) What time zone are you located in? *
24) Anything else I should know?
25) Did anyone refer you to my services?
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