5 Questions About Joy
This survey is anonymous and is part of my research for writing my next book.

You can respond with with a single word or a long story! 
Feel free to skip any question.

Any response you share might be included in my book as a quote or example. 
By answering this survey, you consent to such use.

I hope that these questions also provide you with a meaningful reflection on your own experience of joy. 

Thank you so much! 
Kelly McGonigal, kelly@kellymcgonigal.com
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What is something that brings you joy? When do you feel most connected to joy? (Feel free to give more than one example)
What is your most joyful memory--either a memory that brings you joy to think about, or a memorable experience of joy?
How would you describe how joy feels? How do you recognize joy in the moment? (e.g. thoughts, sensations, your own behavior, or someone else's behavior--how you recognize joy in others) 
What is your biggest barrier or obstacle to joy--something that gets in the way of being able to feel, show, share, or choose joy?
How has joy helped you through a hard time? For example--an activity, community, experience, place, or memory that brought you joy; something someone did for you that brought you joy; something you did for others that brought you joy. 
Bonus question: Based on your answers to the above questions, what could you do today to connect to joy--for example, finding a moment of joy for yourself, or creating a moment of joy with or for others?
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