Chamber Music Sign-Up 2024
Please answer as may questions as you can, email if you have any problems / further questions. 
By filling out this form you will also be put on the chamber music mailing list, and receive emails letting you know about upcoming concerts and performance opportunities.
Full Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Course and Year of Study *
University Email *
Main Instrument/ Voice Type *
What ability are you on your instrument? (grades, experience, useful information) *
If you play a second/ any other instruments feel free to list them here. (no problem if you don't!)
Have you done chamber music before? (no worries if you haven't) *
If Yes, then briefly describe what sort of ensembles you've played in and the pieces they have played.
Are there any specific ensembles/ pieces you particularly want to play this year?
What type(s) of music do you enjoy playing? (tick all that apply) *
We plan to put together some one off larger ensembles to learn some bigger chamber works like septets, is this something you would be interested in?
Anything else you would like to let me know?
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