Critical Digital Archive Collaboration
Dear all,

As I am doing research on theories and praxes of critical digital archiving as my doctoral dissertation, I would like to request you to participate in the following user-experience survey with the prototype of a critical digital archive I am building right now with my street photography of Kathmandu I had done in 2017. You can find the prototype of my critical digital archive at Before starting this survey, please visit and read through the landing page of my digital archive.

Your feedback will lead me to another step of making further decisions regarding design, digitalism, and digital archives, the selection of photographs, the nature of metadata, and theorization of it all. And as this kind of project, especially when the goal is to attempt at post/de/anticolonizing and depatriarchalizing language, resources, knowledge, information, technology, design, digitalism, and digital archives, it demands non-hierarchical interdisciplinary collaborations and dialogues. I am hoping to make this user-experience survey an initiation of that humble and open-ended dialogues and collaborations.
Thank you.

Bibhushana Poudyal

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1. What type of street photography collections do you imagine for this type of digital archives?
2. What are those things that you wish were not there on this archive ( And why? You can copy & paste the link here and give your reasons for your answer.
3. Find three images that you think are interesting and different ways of looking at Nepal (You can choose the photographs from and copy and paste the link here. If you want, you can even give the reason why).
4. What other digital archives do you think I should look at to inform my process of building my archive?
5. What other theorists, scholars, or practitioners do you think I should read or listen to as I continue building my archive?
6. Would you like to participate further by writing descriptions for photographs in the archive? (If you do, I will contact you through email  and walk you through the process. And your name will be mentioned as a contributor to each photograph you write description for.)
7. Would you like to participate further by creating your own digital exhibit with the photographs currently available in the archive? (If you do, I will contact you through email  and walk you through the process. And your name will be mentioned as a contributor to each exhibit you build.)
8. Anything you want to say, which could not be included in the above questions?
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Would you like me to use your name if I plan to use this study for my dissertation, conference presentations, or/and publication? *
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