Lab Composting Request Form 
Thank you for your interest in the Green Labs Composting Program! Please fill out this brief form and we will deliver compost bins to your building.

Please note that you or someone in your lab is responsible for emptying your compost bins into your nearest full sized compost bin, usually located in the hallway or in your break room. Custodial staff will NOT come into lab spaces to empty your compost bins.

Please reach out to with any questions about the composting program.
Please reach out to with any other Green Labs related inquiries. 
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Email *
Green Labs Composting Bin
Primary contact email  *
You will be contacted via email when your bins have been delivered. 
How many bins would you like? *
We recommend 1 bin per sink area. 
Which building is your lab located in? *
Please refer to this link to determine where you building loading dock is located. Bins will be delivered to your loading dock. 

Please provide the name (if applicable) and the room number for your lab?

Questions or concerns?
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