Understanding COVID-19 Registration Form
Understanding COVID-19 is a 2-day course (April 20th and 21st, 10 AM - 3 PM EST) intended to provide interested high school students with exposure to concepts in biotechnology through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students will leave the course able to answer the following questions:

- Where did the virus come from and how did it spread?
- How does the virus cause COVID-19 disease? How is it similar or different to other coronaviruses or pandemic-causing viruses?
- How do we treat COVID-19? How does medicine, the academic world, industry, and government come together to respond to a pandemic?
- How do we develop vaccines -- in general, and specifically for COVID-19? How do different types of vaccines work?

Lectures will cover topics including COVID-19 epidemiology and testing, the biological mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and COVID-19 treatment and vaccination. Additional activities include an interview with a COVID-19 patient and their doctor, a clinical case study workshop, and a career panel featuring scientists, physicians, policy makers, and journalists who have all played a role in the COVID-19 response. Through a combination of these engaging lectures, activities, and panel events, we hope that students come away with both a more detailed understanding of this world-changing virus and a better idea of various roles that many have played in combating it!

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Date of Birth *
High School *
Grade *
Please list the names of all science courses you've completed or that you're currently taking. This includes (but is not limited to), subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, health and/or medicine. *
Do you have an electronic device you can use to tune into virtual sessions? *
What kind of device, if you do have one?
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