Ali Dane/Andria Mae Audiobook Review Interest Form
I am looking for audiobook lovers to send copies of my audiobooks to! I am looking for HONEST reviewers who want to listen to audiobooks and will leave reviews for them. Follower counts on social media do not matter! A love of audiobooks, indie authors, and a desire to leave reviews is the only requirement!
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What is your first name and last initial? *
What is your email? *
Please share any links to your social media pages if you plan on posting there as well. (My username is @ali.dane.audiobooks on insta and Tik Tok if you want to follow me!)
Do you agree to leaving an honest review of the audiobooks you receive? *
Will you listen to the entire audiobook before reviewing? *
Are you located in the US or the UK? (I have different codes depending on where you live) *
Do you give me permission to share your review on social media and websites? *
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