Keep in Touch
We love to hear what you have been up to since leaving Kristin!

Please help us stay in touch by completing the form below with your latest contact information, career updates or general news on life after Kristin.

Personal data collected through this form will be used for the purposes of updating database records of Kristin School and/or Kristin Alumni.

By providing your personal data, you agree that Kristin will store your personal information for the purpose of communicating with you by means such as alumni news, alumni events and reunions, school development news, Kristin Kaleidoscope magazine and school enrollment news. Your information will not be disclosed to outside sources.

You can also stay in touch with other alumni updates by following Kristin Alumni on Facebook ( and LinkedIn (

If you have any questions or would like to reconnect in person, please contact our Alumni Manager Victoria Morris at or call +64 9 415 9566 extn 2849.
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