Law Coach Café / Women in Law - Alumni Registration

Thank you for registering for our Coach Café programme in the School of Law.

In 2024, we'll be holding two events. Please indicate which events you are available for in the form below:

Law Coach Café - 15 February 2024 5.15-7.30pm (GMT) - online

Open to all School of Law alumni, showcasing all the careers you can do with a law degree.

Women in Law Coach Café - 7 March 2024 5.15-7.15pm (GMT) - online

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2024 we will host an intimate event and networking opportunity, celebrating women working together and supporting the next generation of women in law.

The events are designed to build students' knowledge and awareness of different legal job roles, increase their confidence, aspirations and develop their professional networking skills and key attributes required to progress in their early career.

Your advice and experience will:

  • Build students knowledge and awareness of different job roles
  • Increase their confidence, aspirations and professional networking skills
  • Develop new skills and attributes to help them progress early on in their career

Following your registration I'll be in contact with further details about the events and to check through your responses.  

Before the events we'll share your profile with the students so that they can prepare questions for you. We will not share your contact information.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes,

Sadie Brunton
Employability Project Officer
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First name *
Surname *
Email  *
Pronouns *
Alumni Membership Number
You don't have to be Alumni to take part, but if you are, this number will be listed under your name in emails sent from the Campaign and Alumni Relations Office
Degree Title Institution & Year *
e.g. Law LLB, University of Sheffield, 2017. 
Job title *
Company *
Area of Law/Industry / Sector *
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