CYMS Family Communication Survey
This survey aims to provide a comprehensive view of communication effectiveness at the middle school and gather constructive feedback from families. Thank you for participating!
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How effective is Central York Middle School's overall communication with families? (1 star being "Ineffective" and 5 stars being "Highly Effective")


How would you rate the communication regarding important dates and reminders? (1 star being "Ineffective" and 5 stars being "Highly Effective")


How would you rate the communication regarding extracurricular opportunities available to students? (1 star being "Ineffective" and 5 stars being "Highly Effective")


How often do you receive timely reminders about upcoming events?


Which communication method do you find most effective for receiving school updates? Select all that apply.

What additional comments or suggestions do you have for improving communication between the school and families?
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