Yes, I want to join the Legacy Society! 
I am pleased to join the Legacy Society of Family Services. I understand that my gift will help create a sustainable future for Family Services and assure that they are able to Protect, Heal, and Care for children, families, and individuals in our community for years to come.

Please use the form below to let us know more about your intended gift. The information that you share here is not legally binding, and will only be used to welcome you to our Legacy Society.
(Please check all that apply).
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There is a Legacy Gift in my/our will or estate plan to benefit Family Services. It includes:
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I/We have included Family Services as a full or partial beneficiary of retirement assets, life insurance policy, IRA, retirement plan, or other estate provisions
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I/We have named Family Services as a beneficiary of:
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The approximate amount of our gift is: 
(not required, however it is appreciated to help us plan for our future) 
Name(s) *
Mailing Address  *
Phone *
Email  *
I/We would be pleased to be publicly recognized for this gift as the name(s) appear above. The terms of my gift will remain confidential to the public.
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I/We prefer to remain anonymous.
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