Volunteer/Intern Application Form
We are seeking passionate volunteers/interns who care deeply about our community and the future of our younger generations. No matter your skill set, we welcome anyone willing to assist us in the early stages of building this organization. Your support will help us create a stable foundation to provide essential assistance to pregnant teenage girls and their children.

Organization Name: Stepping Stone Academy Foundation

 Established: 2022

 Mission Statement: Stepping Stone Academy Foundation is twofold: to empower pregnant teenage girls and their families with comprehensive support and education, and to shape a future where families flourish. We are dedicated to creating a secure environment that nurtures the well-being of young mothers and their children, guiding them from pregnancy to adulthood. We aim to foster resilient families, equipped for success, and to build a community that provides a new beginning, marked by stability and structure, for the next generation.

Volunteer Position: Unpaid Employment

Email *
1. Full Name *
2. Date Of Birth *
3. Address *
4. Phone Number *
5. Email Address *
6. Availability *
7. Days Available *
8. Hours Available *
9. Skills And Experience *
10. Relevant Skills *
11. Previous Volunteer Experience
12. Why do you want to volunteer with us?
13. References
14. How did you hear about us?
15. Any other information you would like to share
16. Declaration *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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