"ABCs of AACs"  Registration

Thank you for your interest in joining “The ABCs of AACs”, hosted by Equalize Sensory Services and led by Lead SLP and AT Specialist for Equalize, Pat Byers.

 This professional development is open to school-based SLPs in North Carolina.  Limit 12 total participants for this session.

Participants will be notified by email when they are selected for Group 1 of “The ABCs of AAC”.

The cost is $35 to hold your space, payable by Paypal or Venmo.  Participants will earn 6 hours of CEU upon completion of the program.

Dates/Time:  4pm-5:30pm EST on June 12th and 26th and July 10th and 24th

Session 1:  Tools for Determining Student Competence for Introducing AAC

Session 2:  AAC- Lite Tech to High Tech

Session 3:  Implementing of AAC in the Therapy Room and Classroom

Session 4:  AAC in the IEP:  Goal Writing and Documentation


Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email Address

Phone Number *
Are you an SLP? *
Where are you located? *
Who do you work for and what population do you work with? *
What is your comfort/confidence level with AAC devices? *
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
Are you an employee or contractor? *
How many years of experience do you have as an SLP? *
Are you interested in learning about working with Equalize Sensory Services as a contractor part-time or full-time? *
Did you have the opportunity to learn about AAC devices for non-verbal or partially verbal students in your university program? *
Are you able to commit to all 4 sessions of this professional development? *
Is there anything else that you'd like to share? *
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