NIC Volunteer Sign-up
Thank you for your interest in participating with Neighbors Impacting Communities and being an important part of the growing NIC community. To learn more about NIC, visit or Facebook @NICStLMO.

NIC is seeking students to participate in Kaleidoscope Community Choir, Rhythms of Culture Dance Troupe and the newly developing troupe for February performance. Student interested in being part of other stage entertainment are to email to discuss with Ms. Joyce.
NIC is seeking volunteers for upcoming fundraiser events; as well as parent support with student-participants especially for the annual February We The People Celebration. Fundraiser event volunteers are needed for 2-4 hour time slots including pre-event set-up and post-event take down as well as during event for NIC booth and other duties as assigned for February Black Expo Explosion, Juneteenth Festival, November Veteran's Bazaar and other pop-up events throughout the year.

Please use this form to share your contact information and ways you want to volunteer so NIC board members can reach out to you about upcoming activities.

Additional Support Options: 

Donations may be made via CashAp ($NICSTLMO) at or with credit card at .

Vendor registration information is available at for upcoming events. 
For more information about NIC, please email or call/text Joyce Hughes at (314) 322-7724.

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Student Participation
Please contact me with more information about how my child can be involved with...
Student Information
If wanting to learn more about student performer information, please provide student information: full name, current grade, school and talent if not specified above - and someone from the committee will follow-up with you. 
Adults needed to Supervise Student Performers 
Seeking educators and/or parent/guardians of student performers
Event Support *
I would like to help as adult volunteer with (choose all that apply)
First Name (Adult) *
Last Name (Adult) *
Best Phone for Voice Message (Adult) *
Best Phone for Text Message (Adult)
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