Hello!  Illumni Men's Chorale is holding auditions for an upcoming project, and the 2019 Season.  Illumni is one of Seattle's premier choral ensembles, appearing on America's Got Talent, and before the Northwest American Choral Directors Association convention.  We focus primarily on classical music, but are open to all styles.  Membership is open to all races and creeds, and though we are a "men's chorale" we are open to trans and non-binary singers who would like to sing our repertoire.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

We rehearse mostly in Seattle.
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Your Name *
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Primary Voice Part *
Secondary Voice Part
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Tell us a little about your music background.  (Languages spoken, instruments played, musical background, groups you've sung in). *
How well do you sight read? *
Do you have any questions, or is there anything else we should know?
Click Here to Hear Us Sing - Joe Gregorio's Dona nobis pacem
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