SciAccess & AstroAccess 2024-2025 Volunteer Positions Application
We are thrilled to invite you to apply to select AstroAccess 2024 Volunteer Positions! Each of the below roles are vital to the growth and future of our expanding organization. Each volunteer position would be begin now and run through December 2025. All volunteer positions are remote.

A description of each role can be found here:

ONLY the positions below are open for the mid-year recruiting. For other roles, look out for the full 2025 Volunteer recruiting campaign this Winter.
For some positions, specific follow-up questions may be asked. Please answer those questions, as well as the written questions at the end of the application. For positions where no specific questions are asked, please make sure to answer the written questions at the end of the form.

The current open positions are:

- SciAccess Grant Writer
- SciAccess Director of Development
- Social Media Manager
- Website Manager
- Bookkeeper 

All positions titled “SciAccess” will have the opportunity to work on AstroAccess as well as other activities within the SciAccess non-profit that AstroAccess is a part of.

For questions, please email Anna at If you encounter an accessibility issues and wish to submit your application via email instead, please email your responses to Anna with the all capitals subject line, "2024 MID-YEAR ASTROACCESS POSITION APPLICATION"

Not sure if you are the right fit for any of the above? We encourage you to apply anyway and our team will get back to you. If you have any questions about a position you are thinking of applying for, feel free to ask them in your answer to the "Why are you interested in fulfilling this position?" question near the end of the form.

We are looking forward to the exciting year ahead and thank you for your interest and support!
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