Hawaiʻi Wildfire Priorities Survey
Thank you for taking this wildfire survey!

Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization, which co-leads the Firewise Communities program for Hawaii, the Pacific Fire Exchange fire science information project, has written the majority of the state's wildfire protection plans, serves as Hawaii's hub of wildfire planning and action, has always been guided by the wildfire-related priorities of our community and agency partners.

At this time, given the increased interest and commitment to wildfire readiness, recovery, and improvements moving forward, we want to hear from you about your wildfire concerns, priorities, and project ideas.

Answering this short survey will help us all develop a short-term project list and a longer-term wildfire vision we can continue to work toward with you and the many partners carrying out important pieces of wildfire preparedness and mitigation work.

The drivers of wildfire are multi-faceted, and so are the solutions. They must all be addressed concurrently to improve wildfire outcomes. After some identifying information, such as your geography, you will notice there are four categories of questions:

- Safe & Effective Wildfire Response

- Land, Water, & Cultural Resources

- People and the Built Environment

- Information, Science, and Technology

Thank you for giving each careful thought.

We also welcome shovel-ready project ideas at the end, and any final thoughts or comments.

Thank you for your thoughtful contributions. We know many are grieving and experiencing shock and loss. We honor that reality. This is not the place for anger or blame. Instead we welcome you into the family of all of us working toward a wildfire-ready, wildfire-adapted, and wildfire-resilient Hawaii. Thank you for your partnership in that effort. We are in this for the long haul.

Mahalo nui loa,

Nani Barretto & Elizabeth Pickett, Co-Executive Directors, and the entire Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization team
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Email *
The island(s) on which you live and/or work *
Affiliations (agency, HOA, community group, etc.)
How would you describe your role(s) in the area? (Select all that apply) *
What are your THREE highest priority concerns related to SAFE & EFFECTIVE EMERGENCY RESPONSE in your region? (Please only pick three so we can capture your highest priorities). *
What could be done to improve emergency response and firefighting in your region?
What are your THREE highest priority concerns related to protecting LAND, WATER, & CULTURAL RESOURCES from wildfire? (Please only pick three so we can capture your highest priorities). *
What could be done in your region to protect land, water, and cultural resources from wildfire?
Is there anything more you want to mention that you didn't above related to managing vegetation/fuels? (Feel free to list any specific project ideas)
What are your THREE highest priority wildfire concerns related to the PEOPLE, SOCIAL/LEGAL SYSTEMS, & BUILT ENVIRONMENT of your region? (Please only pick three so we can capture your highest priorities). *
What could be done to address the community (residents, businesses, schools, infrastructure, etc.) part of wildfire issues in your region?
From your perspective, what strengths, assets, and opportunities do we have to address fire issues in your region?
What other affiliations, partnerships, and/or projects are you involved in that can connect to this effort?
What INFORMATION, SCIENCE, & TECHNOLOGY support is needed in your region to help address wildfire issues?
List any shovel-ready projects you know of that just need funding.
Are you interested in attending wildfire peer-learning and sharing network meetings?
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Other thoughts, ideas, or feedback is always welcome!

For questions, please contact: admin@hawaiiwildfire.org

For more information on wildfire readiness, please go to hawaiiwildfire.org

For fire science information, go to the website we have made for that science delivery project (we co-lead it with Univ of Hawaii): pacificfireexchange.org

We THANK YOU for your time and partnership.

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