October First is OctoberFest          A BVTS "Thank You Volunteers" Event                               RSVP Form 
This RSVP form is being used by BVTS so we may know how many trail work volunteers (and their families or a guest), will be joining us for this free event on - Saturday - October 1st, 2022.   This event includes rides, hikes, lunch, music, swag and optional afternoon participation.  It is free to all volunteers who have helped build or maintain our local trails during the past four seasons.  It is also open to your family or a guest that may want to join you.    Fill out the form below, or email Mike@bearvalleytrails.org with any questions.
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                                              Bear Valley Trail Stewardship
If you WILL be able to attend the Trail Workers volunteer event on October 1st, please list your First and Last Name below:
Please list the names of all the people in your family or a guest who will join you for lunch and/or events. Enter 'none' if solo. *
How did you hear about this event (email, NextDoor, etc.) *
Add any comments and/or questions here (optional) -or- email Mike@bearvalleytrails.org
Please list your email address below
(your email will used only if needed for this event, then deleted)
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