JMRS ASMIRT CPD Q&A - Medical Imaging - September 2021
Maximise your CPD by reading the following selected Medical Imaging article and answer the five questions.  Please remember to self-claim your CPD and retain your supporting evidence.  
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Continuing Professional Development Q&A - Medical Imaging
An Analysis of Radiographer Preliminary Image Evaluation – A Focus on Common False Negatives
Alexander-Bates I, Neep M, Davis B, Starkey D. (2021)
J Med Radiat Sci.

1.  Within this study, the overall accuracy of radiographers’ Preliminary Image Evaluation (PIE) was: *
1 point
2.  Of the upper extremity, which region demonstrated the highest number of incorrectly interpreted pathology? *
1 point
3.  Of the 60 false negative interpretations of the distal upper and lower extremities, how many contained multiple pathology, where the radiographer PIE only identified one pathology correctly? *
1 point
4.  What was suggested as a possible reason for the high number of incorrectly interpreted phalangeal pathologies? *
1 point
5.  Within the SBASS acronym, which part represents the continued search for pathology? *
1 point
Recommended further reading:
1. Cooper E, Neep MJ, Eastgate P. Communicating traumatic pathology to ensure shared understanding: is there a recipe for the perfect preliminary image evaluation? J Med Radiat Sci 2020; 67(2): 143-50.

2. Neep MJ, Steffens T, Eastgate P, McPhail S. Evaluating the effectiveness of intensive versus non-intensive image interpretation education for radiographers: a randomised controlled trial. J Med Radiat Sci 2019; 66: 5-13.

3. Williams I, Baird M, Pearce B, Schneider M. Improvement of radiographer commenting accuracy of the appendicular skeleton following a short course in plain radiography image interpretation: A pilot study. J Med Radiat Sci 2019; 66: 14–9.

This content was created in conjunction with the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT) CPD Program.
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