Ka'Lab Private Activity Form
 $200.00 per hour (2 hour minimum) |  $110.00 per hour for additional time (2 hour max) |  25% of total cost - Non-Refundable Deposit (will be applied to total cost) |  Remaining balance must be paid 24 hours prior to activity start time | Taxes not included

- Facility Access of up to 900 sq. ft.
- 45 minute setup prior to start time
- Maximum capacity 50 people 
- Table and chairs provided (optional)
- Bluetooth speakers available (Music playlist or DJ highly recommended)
- Stage and microphone available
- Large video display (Must submit content 72 hours prior to activity start time)
- Outside bartender must be licensed
- Outside food welcomed
- Activity has no affiliation or association with Ka'Lab (Subject to approval)

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Phone Number *
Describe activity in a few words. *
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