Volunteer Registration - SHP
Are you interested in helping with local, non-profit community theatre here in Sooke? You've arrived at the right place. Please complete the form below so we can notify you of upcoming volunteer opportunities.

We'd love for you to bring your existing skillset, and to provide opportunities to learn more about theatre and be part of a fun team!

You are not committing to anything by completing this form. You are just adding yourself to our list of people who are interested in helping from time to time.

Note: All acting, singing and dancing roles in our productions are assigned by the Artistic Director and drawn from casting auditions. If you are interested in these, be sure you are signed up to our email newsletter so you can receive notifications.
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Volunteer Interests
You don't need to already be "good" at the things you are interested in.

Volunteering is an opportunity to learn and try new things, too.

If you want to help with something you're already great at, that's fantastic. And if you want to learn about something new, that's fantastic too.

Check the boxes below for all the things that interest you.
Current Skills, Knowledge and Talents
Do you have some of the following skills already, that you might be able to help us with - either yourself, or working with others who are interested in learning more about them.

Check the box if you consider yourself anywhere from a Novice to an Expert on any of these.
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