Youth Mentoring Collaborative Partner Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a partner of the Youth Mentoring Collaborative! You are a part of a robust network of programs across the Carolinas, working to connect young people to meaningful mentoring relationships.


Youth Mentoring Collaborative supports partner organizations who serve all ethnic and racial backgrounds and abilities. We are committed to supporting program partners that reflect our organizational priorities. We will continue prioritizing best practices and strategies to recruit the partners most aligned with our mission, vision, and values.
This partner application will take 15-20 minutes to complete. Please provide complete information if available.
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Organization Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Primary Contact Name *
Primary Contact Title *
Primary Contact Email Address *
Year Organization Established
Current Year Organizational Budget
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Our organization: *
Check all that apply.
What percentage of your Board of Directors identify with the following: *
under 25%
In between 25-50%
over 50%
Are non-white
Have a disability
A part of the LGBTQ+ community
Have military affiliation (active & veteran)
Number of paid staff *
What percentage of your staff/leadership identify with the following: *
under 25%
In between 25-50%
over 50%
Are non-white
Have a disability
A part of the LGBTQ+ community
Have military affiliation (active & veteran)
Which best describes your organization's current status as it relates specifically to mentoring? *
Have you worked with the Youth Mentoring Collaborative before?
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