Baltimore Votes Coalition - Membership Application
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Coalition membership minimum requirements - These requirements are intended to (1) foster commitment and buy-in among coalition members, and (2) ensure members are values-aligned and working towards a common goal. Please select all before continuing with your application.
What is your name? *
If admitted to the coalition, would you be representing yourself or a group/organization? If representing a group/organization, please specify which one(s) in the next question. *
If representing a nonpartisan community-based group or organization, please share which one(s) here as well as your role there:
If applicable: Please use this space to share the names, roles, and email addresses of anyone else from your group or organization who should receive coalition communications.
Why are you excited to join the Baltimore Votes Coalition? 

And/or: How would you like the coalition to serve you and your work?
Please share any skills, experience, resources, passions, and/or ideas you would bring to the coalition to improve the voter experience in Baltimore. Feel free to be as general or as detailed as you'd like.

Some examples of what an answer to this question could look like: "I'm a graphic designer and want to help create voter education materials!" "I'm a college student with flexible hours and want to help anywhere I can!" "I work for a voting rights organization and we want to partner to support voting rights in Baltimore!" 
Which of the following working groups would you be most interested in participating in as part of the Baltimore Votes Coalition? Please select all that apply. (This is only to gauge your interest and is not a binding commitment.) *
Please feel free to share any additional comments or questions for us here:
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