Clemson Miracle 24-25: Team Captain Interest Form!
This is NOT the Committee Application form! If you would like to be a part of a committee please access the application on our Tiger Quest page! However, you can be a team captain and on a committee!

A team captain fosters collaboration and connection between their outside organization and Clemson Miracle! You will...
  • Relay important information and dates to your organization
  • Spearhead Clemson Miracle’s internal initiatives within your organization (e.g. fundraising, recruitment, and awareness)
  • Provide feedback about how we can make your organization's experience and involvement in Clemson Miracle better
Clemson Miracle will support you through monthly meetings! We just want you to attend our events and work to get your organization as involved as possible to change kids health!

Have any questions? Reach out to Ian Downs, Community Engagement Director, at or (864) 551-8737.
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Name (first and last)? *
Clemson Email? *
Phone Number? *
What organization(s) are you a part of that you could be a team captain for? *
Have you been a team captain in the past? *
Why do you think you would make a good team captain? *
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