Start an ONA Local group
ONA Local groups are a great way to network and share projects with other digital journalists. Interested in hosting local meet-ups for digital journalists in your town, city or state? Fill out this form and we'll get back to you soon with details on how to get started. More details about the local program are at
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Have you organized events or meetups before? *
It's not a requirement, but good for us to know as we help you get started.
Organization *
Location *
If yes, who are the potential partners?
Do you have potential partners in mind? *
This can include places where you might be able to host, organizations with speakers you'd like to feature, or groups that you'd like to partner with on individual events.  
Last Name *
Why are you interested in starting an ONA Local group? *
First Name *
Job Title *
If yes, who are the other potential organizers?
Please include their names and emails.
Are there other people who can help you organize local events? *
It’s recommended that Professional groups have a minimum of three organizers and five members from your region. For Student groups, it’s recommended to have a minimum of five student leaders and one faculty adviser. All organizers must be members.
Are you an ONA member? *
All ONA Local organizers must be ONA members. You can become a member here if you're not one yet.
Do you have any additional questions or ideas you'd like to share with us now?
Email *
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