Quiz for Grade 8: Asking for Permission
Language Expression: Asking for Permission
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Question 1
Andrew         : Excuse me, Sir. May I close the door? It’s windy outside.
Mr. Smith : Oh, Sure.
1. In the dialog, Andrew is asking for … *
10 points
Question 2
Oland  : May I come to your house this afternoon?
Pinokio          : ….I’m going to grandma’s house this afternoon. May be next time?
Oland  : Ok. Maybe next time.
2. What is the best expression to fill the blanks in the dialog? *
10 points
Question 3
 ...….borrow your dictionary?
What is the best answer to complete that sentence?
10 points
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Question 4
Ratih         : Could I go home early today?
Miss Feni : ……
4. What is the suitable response in the dialog?
10 points
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Question 5
Steven: …….?
Brenda: Yes, of course you may.
5. What is the suitable expression for the dialog?
10 points
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The following dialog is for questions 6 to 8.
Indah : Excuse me, Ms. Jane. May I take the dictionary outside?
Ms. Jane : Why don’t you just use it here? Books from the reading room are not to be
                          taken outside.
Indah : But, we will use it for English after the break.
Ms. Jane : If that’s the case, please write your name and class on the permission form.
6. Where does the dialog take place?
10 points
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7. What can we conclude from the conversation?
10 points
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8. When will Indah have an English lesson?
10 points
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The following dialog is for questions 9 and 10
Ms. Lea   : Sonia, you will act as princess Delima. Can you speak with a strict tone?
Sonia : Yes, I’ll try.
Roy : Ma’am, may I change my role? It is difficult to act as a twin. I cannot speak
                          in different tones continuously.
Ms. Lea        : You are the one who is suitable for the role. Come on, it is only the second
                         practice. There are still five more. I believe you will be able to master your role  
Roy        : OK then, thanks.
9. In your opinion, what are the speakers doing?
10 points
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10. Why does Roy ask to change his role?
10 points
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