What did you think of B2INST?
Here we ask you to please provide some quick feedback to the team at EUDAT that have developed the "proof of concept" instance of B2INST (https://b2inst-poc2.eoschub-surfsara.surf-hosted.nl/) that you used today for the exercise. The form is completely anonymous, and the collected data will only be used in the context of ENVRI-FAIR WP6 training material production (including feedback to external providers).
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Have you used other EUDAT B2 services before? *
These include B2SHARE, B2FIND, B2SAFE, B2HANDLE and others - see https://www.eudat.eu/b2-service-suite for a full list.
What was your overall impression of the B2INST service? *
Was it difficult to find the "ENVRI Community" part of the B2INST catalogue? *
Was the information about registered instruments easy to interpret? *
Add your comments on the display of info on registered instruments:
Was it easy to understand how to get started with registering a new instrument? *
Did you have problems to log in? *
If you had problems, please describe them here
Is the form for registering new instruments easy to use? *
Was the available help / tool tips adequate? *
Add comments about the help / tool tips here
Did you try modifying your published  instrument record? *
Comment on creating new versions
Would you consider using B2INST if/when it becomes an operational service? *
Add any other comments to the B2INST developers here!
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