2025 JHMC Virtual Registration Form
The 2025 Online Junior High Math Contest is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th, 2025! Fill out this form to register your school's interest for this upcoming contest). If you need further clarification on contest information or rules, either email jhmc@imsa.edu or visit our website at https://imsajhmc.com. If you cannot provide numbers at this point in time, please estimate to the best of your ability. Please note that the online competition will take place asynchronously, and only a device with Internet connection is required.

Your email below will be used as the point of contact for your school's team. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
If you are a coach, name your school. If you are registering ad-hoc, name your team. *
If you plan on registering multiple teams from the same school, please add an identifier so we can distinguish teams (e.g. Atlantis A and Atlantis B or IMSA Blue and IMSA Silver). If you're naming your team on your own, please make sure team names are appropriate.
Your Name *
Are you a coach representing a school? *
How many students are on your team? List grade breakdowns if possible. *
Note that there can be a maximum of 4 seventh grade individual contestants, each of whom will take the seventh grade individual contest. Likewise, there can be a maximum of 4 eighth grade individual contestants. Each team for the team contest can have a maximum of four people, but teams with less than four people are also allowed. Creative thinking teams consist of one seventh and one eighth grade drawn from the pool of individual contestants on your team. Again, an approximate number is fine! Official roster registration will be sent at a later date.

Further note that students in lower grades can compete in higher grades, although students in higher grades cannot compete in lower grades.
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