SOW Network Directory Form 2024
Scope Of Work (SOW) is a talent development agency for young BIPOC creatives that establishes equity in the creative industry.  Outside of our work developing and creating pathways for young people of color into the creative sector, SOW acts as a talent agency for mid to senior level creatives as well.

Are you a BIPOC creative interested in being considered for job opportunities from SOW?  Please submit your information using the form below.

We’re excited to be connected to individuals with the following skill sets at all experience levels:  
Art Directors
Project Managers

For more information about SOW, please check out our website at and on instagram
We look forward to being connected!  
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Gender Pronoun
We honor the ways in which people identify outside of the gender binary.
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Are you a former SOW Member?
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Link to Website or Portfolio *
Link to LinkedIn *
Years of Experience *
If you would like to send an additional PDF or images of your work, email
Attachment must include your full name in file name and email subject line (example: "First Name Last Name Portfolio")
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Current Title or Role  *
Please tell us what your role or title is currently or was most recently. 
Primary Creative Practice & Skillset *
Your "primary" creative practice is what you have the MOST EXPERIENCE in and have the MOST EVIDENCE of in your portfolio. This info helps SOW determine which job opportunities you're the best fit for based on skills and experience. If you check "Other", please be very specific about your practice.
Secondary Creative Practice & Skillset
Your "secondary" creative practice is what you have SOME EXPERIENCE in and have SOME EVIDENCE of in your portfolio. If you check "Other", please be very specific about your practice.
Type of work you're looking for: *
What city are you currently based in? *
How Did You Hear About SOW? *
If you were referred by someone, please let us know! *
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