Contact Form for former Interpreters employed by the British Armed Forces
If you are currently in Afghanistan, or have fled to another country and seek protection, you can fill out this form to provide the Sulha Alliance with information about your case.
PLEASE NOTE: The Sulha Alliance does not represent the UK Government. We cannot make decisions about your application. We will use this information to advocate for your protection. 
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Name *
Email Address *
Were you working as an interpreter for the British Armed Forces? *
LSU number
Which country are you based now?
Have you applied to come to the UK under ARAP (the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy)? *
What is your ARAP ATEA number?
Do you give permission to the Sulha Alliance to store the information you have provided and to contact you about your case? *
Do you give permission to the Sulha Alliance to share your details with relevant departments of the British Government?
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