Google for Education | Breathing New Life into Old Computers
Come and join the Google for Education team for the afternoon, you can expect to learn more about Neverware's CloudReady OS, technology that transforms old IT into Chrome machines. Given current budgetary pressures and compliance demands, it’s more important than ever to find practical solutions that increase secure, affordable access to technology in schools.

We invite Educators and IT admins to bring 1 old PC, Mac, or Netbook per school. We will be flashing these old devices with CloudReady, an operating system based on Google’s Chromium OS. CloudReady breathes new life into old hardware, enabling schools to get extra use out of devices that may otherwise collect dust.

At the end of the event, these devices will be returned to you as “new” fast, reliable CloudReady Machine(s). Please make sure your device is a 64 bit device and has an unlocked BIOS (Built in Operating System)

To learn more about Neverware Cloudready check out their website:

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Google is pleased to provide attendance at this event at no cost where appropriate under applicable laws. By attending this event and accepting any gifts which may be offered, you certify that you are able to do so in compliance with applicable laws and the internal rules of your organisation.
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