Apply to co-live in Hus24 Stockholm!
Hus24 has a rolling application; we will contact you if there is an opening!

Location: Gamla Stan, Stockholm.
Rent for a bunk bed in the 6 person shared room: the first month is 5000 SEK. After that it is around 4000 SEK. 
We typically prefer residents looking to stay long-term.


Hus24 is a historic, beautiful five-story house in the heart of Stockholm where 14 housemates from different backgrounds and cultures reside. We are artists, tech people, entrepreneurs, engineers, researchers: 9-5 ers, and we thrive in the diversity of our home together. Learn more about us by checking out our website, Facebook, and Insta (links below).

The spot:
All residents at Hus24 start in a bunkbed in our six person shared room - it is a great way to bond. There are various common spaces throughout the house such as a living room (fireplace and projector included), sauna, and kitchen.

If you are interested in living with us, fill out this form to show us who you are! Tell us why you want a taste of our specific flavour of co-living. Write something out of the ordinary, give us some good music suggestions, or maybe even a video.

Usually we prefer candidates older than 23 years of age, but we have made exceptions.

Please note again that the spot is in a shared room with 5 other people.


Hus24 on social media:

Hus24 in media:

We're looking forward to hearing from you!
/Jack, Dora, Halley, Sara, Ellen, Jay, Margit, Lloyd, Emanuel, Anton, Jan-Niklas, Benjamin, and Rebecca
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Email *
One of the bunkbeds in the shared room
The annual Crayfish party
Your name *
Why would you like to live at Hus24? *
Tell us about yourself: age, profession, passions, hobbies, anything that excites you. Your story. *
Tell us about, or send us, something that you’re proud of (a text, link, anything...). *
When would you like to move in? Please let us know if you have a notice period. *
Are you looking for a long term residency or a temporary one? In that case, how long? *
Do you know anyone in the house or someone at K9 or at Villa24? Do you have other experience with co-living? *
In the age of big data, we need to did you hear about us? *
Your contact details (FB and email preferred). *
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