State Street Village Housing Interest List
If you are interested in living at State Street Village, we would love to hear from you! We are still early in the design process, but it is very helpful for us to hear directly from the folks that want to live here. We will share your feedback with our development and design teams.
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What is your name?
Are you a current resident of Redlands?
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Do you or any of members of your household work  in Redlands?
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Do you or any of members of your household work within walking or biking distance of State Street Village?
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Do you currently own or rent your home?
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Are you interested in owning or renting a residence in State Street Village?
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How many members are in your household?
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What size of residence would you be interested in?
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How many cars does your household have?
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Are you interested in reducing car ownership if you moved to State Street Vilalge, reduced your housing costs, and could commute with transit, walk/bike to work, etc.?
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If you are interested buying a residence, are you interested in or require a single-level home with level entrance?
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Please check the residential amenities that you are most interested in.
Let us know if there is anything else you would like to tell us!
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