Accessibility Lived Experience Panel

Description of Image Above: A historical black and white photo of Grand Rapids Civic Theatre sits to the left of the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Logo and text reading Lived Experience Panel on a tan backdrop. (Please note: Image Descriptions are not currently a standard implemented across all of our platforms.)

Please Note: If you would like assistance or an alternative sign up for our Lived Experience Panel, please reach out to Jess Burke at or call 616-222-6650. 

As part of Grand Rapids Civic Theatre's commitment to creating access, we are looking to assemble an inaugural panel of Lived Experience within the Disabled Community. This panel will work to provide open and honest feedback on current programming, help to plan the accessibility programming proposal for future seasons, and assist in growing our outreach circle.

Lived experience is defined as “personal knowledge about the world gained through direct, first-hand involvement in everyday events rather than through representations constructed by other people.” It is also defined as “the experiences of people on whom a social issue or combination of issues has had a direct impact.”

To learn more about our current accessibility offerings, please visit our website at 

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Have you interacted with Grand Rapids Civic Theatre before? 
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In what ways are you looking to interact with the 
Lived Experience Panel?
Is there anything you hope to see this panel address? Do you have any comments you would like the facilitator to be aware of? 
At this time, it is our priority to assemble this panel with only those who have lived expertise. Those who do not have lived experience in the community but are passionate about accessibility are encouraged to reach out for alternate opportunities to get involved. 
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