Join Mister McKinney for FREE tours of Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery every THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH at 2pm thanks to the generosity of SCI's Dignity Memorial, Mister McKinney's Historic Houston and the office of Council Member Robert Gallegos, District I.
Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery, located in the historic East End, was founded in 1921 and truly has some of Houston's Who's Who that call the second largest cemetery in Texas their final resting place. Learn about the famous oilmen, movie stars, Broadway Tony winners, restaurateurs, past Presidents, Senators, grocery store titans, newspaper publishers, football stars, war veterans, female pioneers and music legends.
The tours are FREE when YOU and YOUR GUEST both "LIKE" Mister McKinney's Historic Houston and the Houston History Bus on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. (If your guest doesn't have social media accounts, then they can make a $15 donation for adults and $10 per child at: You can always have another friend "LIKE" the pages so the tour can be FREE. Just have the name of the person as proof of the two "LIKES".)
You can sign up for any of the 8 months, we just ask with only 20 seats per bus tour, that you honor the time/date you pick. Tour lasts 50 min. Must be on a confirmed list. No walk-ups allowed.
Mister McKinney serves as the District I historian for Council Member Robert Gallegos, District I and the tours are in an effort to bring awareness to the rich history of East End Houston.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form, we look forward to have you learn about the many "Titans and Tycoons" at the beautiful Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery.