06.09.19 Hea Vesi reede regatt
registration form
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Boat name *
Sail number *
Helm Name, Surname *
Crew 1 Name, Surname *
Crew 2 Name, Surname
Crew 3 Name, Surname
I confirm to pay starting fees included in Notice of Race
Check before sending if you accept these terms.
Liability Disclaimer
I agree to be bound by International Sailing Federation Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2017-2020, by the Sailing Instructions and the Notice of Race. I agree that the sole and inescapable responsibility for the nautical qualities of any yacht participating in the Estonian Dragon Cup 2019, her rigging, the safety equipment on board and the competence, behavior and dress of her crew is that of the owner/charterer of the yacht. I also agree to take any and all responsibility for all damages whatsoever caused to third persons or their belongings, to myself or to my belongings, ashore and at sea as a consequence of my participation in the regatta, and hereby relieve from any responsibility, and agree to indemnify on a full indemnity basis and hold harmless, the Estonian Dragon Cup 2019 and their servants, agents and sponsors, the Class Associations and their representatives in respect of any claim arising there from.
I am acquainted with ISAF Part 1 Fundamental Rule 4: «A boat is solely responsible for deciding whether or not to start or to continue racing». In any case, I agree that the Estonian Dragon Cup 2019 their employees, volunteers, servants, agents and sponsors, the Class Association and their representatives have no responsibility for loss of life or injury to members or others, or for the loss of, or damage to any vessel or property. This does not apply in cases of gross negligence or intention or culpable breach of a fundamental contractual obligation. In case of negligent breach of a fundamental contractual obligation, liability shall be limited to foreseeable damages.
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