Application: Open Education Community of Practice
The New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) seeks to form a Community of Practice composed of eight regionally represented faculty members interested in the pedagogical benefits and development of Open Educational Resources (OER). Under the guidance of NEBHE’s Fellow for Open Education, participants will refresh their fundamental knowledge of OER and work towards a deeper understanding of utilizing open pedagogical practices to increase student engagement and success.

Participation in a series of webinars, workshops and facilitated discussions will build faculty awareness and confidence in leveraging the licensing structures of OER and offer faculty and students opportunities to engage in more authentic, equitable and culturally relevant teaching and learning experiences. Each participant will revise or develop a learning resource utilizing open licensing structures which will be integrated into their fall 2021 course.

NEBHE aims to explore and measure the impact of open pedagogical practices on student engagement and empowerment in these courses through quantitative and qualitative research methods over the course of one semester.

About faculty adoption and OER-enabled pedagogy:

The recent Bayview Analytics and WCET report on OER suggests that while faculty and institutions have shown increasing awareness and acceptance of OER, many remain unfamiliar with what they are, or how to utilize them. When faculty understand and feel confident navigating the licensing structures of OER creation and revision, opportunities then emerge to engage students in the content co-creation process. This pedagogy, sometimes referred to as OER-enabled pedagogy or Open Pedagogy, centers the students as the authority of knowledge creation that will be used by others to teach and learn from, and organically creates opportunities to encourage the diversification of the curriculum, as commercial textbooks are far less likely to be inclusive and representative of scholars of color and other underrepresented voices.

Learning objectives:

Leverage the benefits of openly licensed materials to create more culturally responsive and relevant learning environments and resources for students

Develop a set of inclusive teaching practices to implement in your course that centers students as authoritative voices

Revise or create a renewable assignment that invites students as knowledge creators

Leverage Open Pedagogy to center social justice in your course learning outcomes


The program will commence in mid-February 2021 with faculty participants expecting to commit 2 hours a week (+/-) engaging with readings, webinars, workshops, and facilitated group discussions (asynchronous and synchronous). We will do our best to work with all accepted participants to accommodate teaching schedules, but please note in your application of any significant scheduling accommodations you may require.

At the end of the spring semester and through the summer, the program will take a more individualized approach as participants will focus on the practical application of their own course development for Fall 2021. Participants will have access to support and feedback from NEBHE’s Fellow for Open Education in addition to the community of practice consisting of their cohort peers.

Cohort members must pledge to participate in the following:

2 virtual workshops (Spring 2021, synchronous)
3 virtual webinars (Spring 2021, synchronous preferred)
Bi-weekly cohort gatherings (1 hour, via Zoom)
Revise a course and incorporate Open Pedagogical practices for fall 2021
“Mid-semester” progress share-out
Implementation for fall 2021
Student assessment end of fall 2021 (anonymous and IRB-approved)


Interested full or part-time faculty members from any institution of higher education in the following 8 states are eligible to apply:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

First preference, however, will be given to faculty teaching at (either public or private) institutions with diverse student populations with respect to race, ethnicity, age, and Pell-eligibility.

Candidates must possess basic understanding of Open Education Resources as defined by the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation definition.

Participants will receive a taxable $1,500 mini-grant upon successful completion of the program. Participants will be required to sign and return a program agreement in advance of the Community of Practice launch.

Questions may be directed to:

Lindsey Gumb
Fellow, Open Education
New England Board of Higher Education 
Phone: 617-533-9529 

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Your full name *
Your email address *
Institution at which you teach *
State in which you teach *
Course(s) you teach that you are interested in using OER-enabled pedagogy to invite your students as authors of learning content. *
Do you teach full time or part-time? (either are eligible for participation) *
What is your level of OER familiarity? *
Do you currently use or have you ever used OER in any of your courses? *
Would you be willing to administer a voluntary, IRB-approved short survey to your students at the end of the Fall 2021 semester to assess their experiences participating in a course utilizing OER-enabled pedagogy? *
In 200 words or less, please explain why you are interested in participating in this program, what course(s) you may wish to revise using OER-enabled pedagogy, and some initial goals that come to mind. *
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