Map of KEEP COOL Multipliers
Within the KEEP COOL East project we thought about a tool to connect people interested in the Game with other people who already played Keep Cool. A map of multipliers could serve as such a tool: On this online-map, players who like to share their Keep Cool experience and are willing to explain the rules or to moderate a Keep Cool workshop will be displayed. If you would like to appear on the map of multipliers, please provide us your email contact and (if you like) some personal information about your Keep Cool experience in this form. You don't have to fill out every field. We are really looking forward to stay in touch with you within the growing Keep Cool network! Best The KEEP COOL East Project Team
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Which Languages do you speak?
Your Facebook Link
If you like, describe in 2 sentences: What is your backround (e.g. Environmental Activist or Expert, teacher, etc.)? What do you like about Keep Cool?
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